Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Global Knives

Are sex! Yessir they are sex. These Japanese delights are light, SHARP and the handle is smaller than the German knives, which might be a deturrent for those with bigger hands but, those with the smaller hands (me) are perfect. For perfect balence they are injected with sand, so as the knife moves the sand slides giving perfect balence. Did i mention they are SHARP unlike the German knives they are ground down to a more acute angle and the alloy used is much harder this is done to keep the edge razor sharp for longer yet you are going to have to sharpen it, which you should send it out or learn how to sharpen. I recomend the first. So are you gonna put this through the dishwasher? HELL NO! Hand wash these fine knives.

As chef Bourdain put it in his stellar book Kitchen Confidential. From the chapter How to Cook Like the Pros

Most of the professionals I know have for years been retiring their Wusthofs and replacing them with the lightweight, easy-to-sharpen and relatively inexpensive vandium stell Global knives, a very good Japanese product which has -in addition to its many other fine qualities - the added attraction of looking really cool.

5/5 stars!

Friday, June 1, 2007


as summer comes around FoodWarez will pick up.

Monday, May 14, 2007


we have had some roadblocks with the video posts. they should be up soon

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Kirby9058 - About Me

Hey there, kirby9058, or Mike here. Just thought I'd let everyone out there who I am.

I'm currently attending high school in Nebraska, and I plan on doing a double business management and culinary arts major. I don't know for sure where I'm going to college yet, but it has always been to open my own restaurant.

I hope to try and share some awesome recipes here. Foodwarez for life.




the food lovers companion says “curry comes from the southern Indian word kari or “sauce” and is a catch all term for any number of spicy, hot, gravy-based dishes”

FoodWarez says its plain good eating

the hardwarez(i.e the pots pans and any other cooking utensil)

Cutting Board
Sauce Pan
Serving Platter
Spice Grinder or Coffee Grinder

The softwarez(i.e the ingredients)[they will be broken into two teams the Garam Masala{which is just a spice blend, there are hundreds of variates}and team two the rest of the ingredients]

Team Garam Masala
1 tsp whole black pepper
1 tsp coriander powder
4 cardamom pods
1/2tsp fennel seeds
1/2tsp turmeric powder
3/4tsp chili powder

1. grind all those together

Team 2
1-1 1/lbs chicken (deboned) and cut into pieces
1-2 tbsp veggie oil
1 large onion
2 large tomatoes chopped
1tsp salt
3 cloves of fresh garlic ground
2inch piece of ginger ground
1-1 1/2 tsp of cashews
2 inches of a cinnamon stick
4 to 6 whole cloves

Our plan of attack is to:

1. Heat the pan
2. To the oil add the cinnamon and cloves
3. Add the onions, minced ginger and garlic
4. When cooked add the chicken
5. Stir around for about 2 or 3 minutes
6. Add the Garam Masala, and nut mixture
7. Then add the tomatoes, salt, and half cup of water and cook on high heat for 15minutes
8. When almost cooked put on low heat and cook for 5 minutes

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Collard Greens

This is my take on the southern specialty.
1 bunch of collard greens
2tbsp of bacon drippings
1tbsp, 1 1/2tsp apple cider vingar
2tsp of red pepper flakes
pinch of sugar
pinch of salt

1 large saute pan

how to prepare
1. clean the greens
2. melt the fat
3. add the greens and cook till they are just about wilted
4. add the red pepper flakes
5. remove from heat and add the vingar
6. next add the sugar and salt and toss
7. serve

Monday, March 26, 2007

Done-ness of Beef, Veal, and Lamb

Many people don't know the correct temperatures for the levels of done-ness of there red meats.
so heres a list
for Rare you are shooting for 135degrees F. the interior will appear shiny and it will be deep red
for Medium-rare you are shooting for 145degrees F. the interior will be more pinkish than the rare
for Medium you are shooting for 160degrees F. and it will be a lighter shade of pink and more of a greyish hue
and Well done you are shooting for 170 on. DO NOT EAT BEEF THIS WAY. It is dry and tough.

thank you,
the establishment.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

about Zach

Yesterday foodwarez got a teammate. So it would be a great idea to get to know us. I am Zach the founder. I am in the scc food-service culinary arts program, with hopes of being a head chef in a fancy country club or a five star hotel/restaurant. From me you’ll get reviews and recipes. If we get some sort of video camera we’ll have video recipes. Foodzwarez is going to be the place to be! We will offer the best in food, food culture, cookbooks and anything food related. Lets see what Michael has to say!

FOODWAREZ: come browse the warez!

Monday, March 19, 2007


is now a team effort.

First Recipe

So this is the frist recipe for foodwarez and it's a good one. Our first recipe is Cheese Straws. Imagine pie dough or those ritz crackers. They are crunchy yet soft and flaky, there also cheesy and have a little warmth (spice).

1lb of sharp cheddar cheese (the sharper the better)
3-1/2cups SIFTED all purpose flour
1/4-1/2tsp or more of cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp of salt
3 sticks of COLD butter (the colder the better)


1 large bowl
1 rolling pin
baking sheets
latex gloves (optional){they help a lot}
pizza cutter
cheese grater

The process

1. grate the cheese with a fine grater (again the finer the better) store in fridge
2. measure and sift the flour, salt and cayenne pepper into the large bowl
3 cut the butter into small pieces
4 "cut" (with your fingers mash) the butter into the flour until it looks like course crumbs
5 mix in the cheese
6 roll out 1/4 of the dough until it its about 1/4 of a inch
7 using a pizza cutter cut into small strips about 1inch by 2inchs
8 bake at 350degrees until just lightly browned about 10-12 min
9 cool between sheets of wax paper
10 eat and become addicted

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, March 16, 2007

The healthy beef cookbook

quick side story a few weeks into afp I (advanced food prep) we had a guest speaker. This man was Chef Richard Chamberlain he is on the national beef council. He came in and cooked a few things from this book and talked about Umami (the fifth sense of taste) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umami). At the end of his presentation he said he had two cook books to give away. End side story

This last thrusday the 15th in afp lecture we had a raffle for the two cookbooks (one for each of the afp labs(everyone was in lecture but we split into two labs)) and i happened to win one of them

The healthy beef cookbook is a nicely put together book with over 130 luscious lean beef recipes. It breaks down the recipes into chapters like great grilling, sensational main dish salads, one dish meals, easy entertaining with beef and much much more. As of this moment i haven't had the chance to whip up a dish from the book, but we did have one in class and it was mighty tasty. I'll post the recipe later. I'll give the book a B+

Night y'all

First Post

So this is the first post of foodwarez this is a site created by Zach Leech soon to be CC. Here we will take a look at the food world. I will review foods that i have eaten, books and give you some tasty recipes. I might also throw some random things in the mix too.

This is the start of something great.